Jun 03, 2011 16:44
[Private to Merlin]
Hey. Do you want to.. go to the CES tonight? Or like.. I don't know. Whatever.. [She can't bring herself to say 'couples'.] ..people do.
[Private to Capa]
Okay. I tried not to ask because I'm trying not to be a pain or whatever? But.. this is getting kind of ridiculous. I mean, I'm not a great sleeper or anything? But you've barely slept in days. What's going on?
[Private to Loki]
Can we meet up and talk? It's.. kind of about that favor, but other stuff too.
[Private to Bruce]
Can we talk?
[ooc; Catching up on plots, guys. Real Hayley post to come when I'm not spamming with my others.]
an asshole and a darling,
my one true god,
first we assume a spherical capa,
merlin is my wizard homeboy