It's my day off and I'm remembering the good ol days instead of getting anything done. So if you'd like to take a walk down memory lane with me I'm gonna post some pictures from my old photobuckets lol.
BANANA! I rescued at Hulk one day :3
back when i worked at Party City. PC MAFIA REPPIN!
This one time the Maine played a Hot Topic in store and since i don't do anything alone I took my brother and he was not amused with their "emo shenanigans"
I enjoyed being a conductor most of the time
Warped 08 was the best i eva had
I really liked working at PC
been on those rides way too much
And this is the time i rescued at the Daily Bugle (aka Spiderman)
story of my life lol even a year ago
I have no idea how this happened.
i was a dumb little wannabe scenster
one of the more amazing rhps
Seaworld! Got yelled at for taking this picture
that's all for now ;)