my life
[001.] First name: sean
[002.] Middle name: cameron
[003.] Last name: roman
[004.] Nickname(s): sean o, seanathon, seanzie, candle, asshole
[005.] Sexual reproductive organ: mangina
[006.] Age: fuck this quesntion1!
[007.] Date if birth: november 3
[008.] Hair color: it was almost black but now its light brown
[009.] Eye color: green, grey, orange, it changes
[010.] Your race?: native american fuck you euro scum
[011.] Glasses or contacts, which one are you rockin?: contacts, im bnlind
[012.] Do you have braces(on your teeth)?: no I have like 5 fake teeth though
[014.] How long is your hair?: uhhi don’t have a ruler
[015.] What city/state were you born in?: D town motherfucker
[016.] Where are you living now?: st pete florida
[017.] Whats your screename (please specifie wether aim, yahoo, ect.)?: seanroman aim
[018.] How many piercings do you have?:3
[019.] What do you want to get pierced?: everything, especially my septum, my tongue, my bridge, and my dick, not the head but a bar right below it
[020.] Whats is your nationality?: ameircan, native
[021.] Today's date is: I don’t know, siudnay
[022.] What color would you never where?: white
[023.] So how tall are you?: 5 10
[024.] Have any bad habits?: crying,. Masturbating every so often, lying and getting caught lying
[025.] What tattoos do you have, if any.: I carved a heart into my hip over the summer when I was drunk with a knife and a sharpie, but you can barely see it anymoe
[026.] Do you want any tattoos? If so what do you want?: yeah I want lots of shit, guns, bombs, beer bottles…
[027.] Would you get plastic surgery on your face?: maybe if they could take my cheek bones out of my face or just saw most of them off.
[028.] Shape: dot
[029.] Website(s):
[030.] Pair of shoes: um, moccasins
[031.] Vegtable(s): mashed potatoe
[032.] Fruit(s): food is gross, starfruits
[033.] Magazine(s): hustler, shaved, hightimes, punk planet
[034.] Color(s): brown, bright purple and pink and green
[035.] Fashion designer(s)/Firm(s): uh, I like to make my own clothes so I guess me.
[036.] Author(s): hunter s thompson
[037.] Scar: the giant one across my back from where I got bit by a manatee
[038.] Book(s): 1984, Fear and Loathing in las vegas, smack, the perks of being a wallflower, big red tequila
[039.] Headache medication: viccadin, xanax… etc.
[040.] Drug(s): ice(meth) , acid, coke , the list goes on and on.
[041.] Television channel(s): comeday central, any channel that plays COPS
[042.] Movie(s): uh- I don’t fucking know.
[043.] Comedian(s): dave chapelle, josh vance, seanroman
[044.] Country besides the U.S.A.: the netherlands
[045.] saying: either shit or get off the pot.,, I will fuck you up. Lets have sex
[046.] Show: dave chapelle show, cops, southpark, aqua teen hunger force// I don’t really watch tv
[047.] Sport: wrestling, not the fake kind, the kind where you where spandex and are in a little circle, yeah I actually am on the team.
[048.] Gum: I don’t fucking eat gum. Any kind that is blue, or big red
[049.] Scent: beer, pot, cigareetestests.
[050.] Ice cream flavor: uh? vaniulla
[051.] Season: night
[052.] Holiday: halloween
[053.] BAND(s): fuck , crucial unit, the beastie boys, DESTROY, man I don’t know
[054.] Rapper(s)/MC: peanut butter wolf, aesop rock, mike D, anyone from bone thugs n harmony
[055.] Singers: Bob, me
[056.] Genera of music: thrash/ crust
[057.] Number: 13 or 2, fuck numbers
[058.] Junk food: rap snacks
[060.] Overall food: rap snacks, beer
[061.]Thing in your room: marshall halfstack
[062.] Computer: fuck computers
[063.] shoe brand: and shoes
[064.] Fast Food: wendys mother fucker
[065.] Alcoholic beverage- malt liquor of anykind, prefereably Mickeys
[066.] Restaurant: arigatos
[067.] Time of day: 4 20 maybe
[068.] City- singapoor
[069.] State: texas I guess
[070.] Boys name: satan
[071.] Girls name: don’t talk about girls, im deperesded
[072.] Mall: I hate all malls
[073.] Video Game: indiana jkones!
[074.] shampoo: I don’t wash my hair bitch
[075.] board game: beer pong
[076.] computer game: I don’t play that shit
[077.] Car: my jeep grand fuckin cherokke
[078.] Music video: bone thugs n harmony - weed song
[079.] Curse word: goddamnit
[080.] Word: krunk or bitch
[081.] 80's band: D M
[082.] Month: I don’t know or care
[083.] Pet: juluis! I don’t have a pet anymore though, I caught a cat in a cage the other day
[084.] Scary movie: evil dead
[085.] Possession: of marijuana
[086.] Have you ever smoked a cigarette?: no
[087.] Ever been arrested?: yeah it sucked
[088.] Have you ever tried illegal drugs?: no
[089.] Have you ever gotten drunk at a party?: I don’t go to parties or drink, but yes
[090.] Ever thought about, or even tryed running away from home?: uh yeah once I pushed my step mom the fuck out of my way and ditched, and im thinking about ditching out again soon
[091.] Have you ever been in a physical fight?: haha, what else is there to do when im drunk, which is like every day. But yeah my teeth got kicked in too so you gotta fucking watch out for those nazi scums and theire pussy ass technique
[092.] Ever kicked a guy in the nuts?: josh vance
[093.] Ever had to bitch-slap anyone?: jacob canada
[094.] Have you ever stolen anything?: haha I got caught shoplifting at publix the other day when I was drunk
[095.] Have you ever broken the law?: no
[096.] Ever thought of suicide?: uh, that would be nice right now
[097.] Have you ever attempted suicide?: who hstn
[098.] Have you ever cried?: no
[099.] Ever had an emotional breakdown?: the first time I got caught smoking pot and I was hyped up on like 3 bottles of adderal
[100.] Have you every killed anything?: yeah a bird and some ants
[101.] Do you sing in the shower?: I don’t take showers I just pour a cup of water on my crotch and rub soap on my dick.
[102.] Do you talk to yourself?: I try
[103.] Do you believe in yourself?: what the fuck is that supposed to mean
[104.] Do you like taking my longass survey?: im drunk and have nothing else to do and its fun to watch microsoft word correct my spelling errors, an dim depressed cause of shit that went on this weekend, I was so fucking happy and the next day everyting crumbled
[105.] Do you play any instruments?: guitar, bass, a little keys and a little drums
[106.] Do you want to go to college?: not really but I might
[107.] Do you want to get married?: no but maybe if I found my souldmate
[108.] Do you want any children?: no but at the same time yes
[109.] Do you think you're a health freak?: I don’t eat food
[110.] Do you get along with your parents?: hell no
[111.] Do you get along with your siblings?: yeah but I dropped her on her head yesterday and I taught her how to say shit and sing off the gods by crucial unit
[112.] Do you think you're popular?: popularly disliked
[113.] on making abortions illegal?: im pro choice , kill it until its over 3
[114.] on decriminalising marijuana?: yes absolutely. Decriminalization not legalization.fuck paying taxes.
[115.] on Bill O'Reilly?: I don’t pay attention to clebrity fucks
[116.] on the christian religion?: fuck that shit
[117.] on gay marraige?:I think its funny, in a good way, I love gayp eple
[118.] on the Patriot Act?: fuck all acts
[119.] on the war in Iraq?: lame
[120.] What are your phobias?: naw
[121.] Do you have any unusual habbits?: I like anal sex? And I get drunk every day, so no.
[122.] Have you ever been on a subway?:yes
[123.] What country would you want to visit?: the netherlands
[124.] What was the last thing you drank? Quarts of Magnum,
[125.] Do you like your handwriting?: sometimes
[126.] What drugs have you taken illegally? None
[127.] What is the one thing that annoys you most?: jealous fucks ruining my shit
[128.] Who do you miss?: JOSH FUCKNG VANCE
[129.] What do you collect? Bottle caps
[130.] Are you perscribed to any medications? I wish
[131.] Where do you want to attend college?: no
[132.] What song are you listening to?: peanut butter wolf- crew style flow beats
[133.] What if for one day you were invisible, what would you do? Steal lots of beer and beat the shit out of people I don’t like
[134.] Who are three people you totally hate?: bush, my dad, hitler
[135.] How many pillows do you sleep with?: 0 or 1
[136.] What color is your room?: whit ei think
[137.] How big is your bed?: it’s a fold out couch but it takes up like my whole room
[138.] What is your dream job?: porn star
[139.] What's the most useless class in school?: all of them
[140.] Does your mom like the song "Hey Ya" by OutKast, like everyone elses?: yeah she does and if you say one thing about her she will probably kick your ass
[141.] Who is your daddy, and what does he do?: my dad sucks and he- sucs
[142.] Have you ever been in a car accident? Yeah, and one right before I was born and mym moms car got totalled and she thought her water broke, that’s why I am who I am
[143.] Whats your favourite animal?: midgets
[144.] Do you know HTML?: I used to back in the day
[145.] Who is your favorite teacher?: mrs richards, shes such a bitch
[146.] What do they teach?:she used to teash me and josh french, but we never payed attention and werent allowed to work or sit anywhre near each other
[147.] What do you think of designer labels?: I wish I lived that lifestyle
[148.] What is your biggest accomplishment?: I cheated my way into a 3.9 GPA
[149.] What is your biggest dream?: living a life I am happy with
[150.] What's your school's mascot?: the green devils, fuck school