stupid quiz thing...

Sep 21, 2005 19:39

LJ Interests meme results

  1. against all authority:
    awesome punk-ska band, great songs, great lyrics, great messages
  2. anti-flag:
  3. butter:
    I can tell the difference between margirin and butter and cant beleive it's not butter
  4. cheese:
    Great on pizza, cant deny that!
  5. choking victim:
    One of my first ska-punk interests. great classic music. They REUNITED ALSO! After 6 years, Choking victim is BACK!!!!!
  6. cottage cheese:
  7. dead kennedys:
  8. indk:
    Great band, from the ashes of choking victim's breakup in 99, indk was formed, while stza started up leftover crack. Theres a little history lesson for ya kids
  9. leftover crack:
    Saw em live in toronto on sept 24th,2004 with lea. great show, simply amazing! lack of band mememers, but still a memorable night! i got a rock the 40oz backpatch from that show, it now hands on my wall lol
  10. margarine:

Enter your LJ user name, and 10 interests will be selected from your interest list.

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