Jul 04, 2004 13:00
caffeine's ability to completely transform my mood. I hadn't been drinking coffee hardley at all lately, and shoot, I've been missing out. I woke up in a horrible mood, and now, 10 minutes and a big cup of coffee later, I'm just as happy as can be! I wonder if drinking caffeine once a day is unhealthy?
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caffine is good for you in moderation...just like sugar and salt...but when you need it to feel good-well...gee...
plus you have trouble sleeping and drinking caffine is not helping.
"Caffeine may be the most commonly consumed pharmacologically active substance in the world," Klebanoff says. It's such a powerful stimulant that the International Olympic Committee and the National Collegiate Athletic Association set limits on how much caffeine can remain in the blood during competition. In addition to boosting physical endurance, caffeine increases alertness and improves mood.
The buzz sometimes comes at a price, though. People who drink more than they're used to may become restless, jittery, and unable to sleep. Moreover, it's possible to become physically addicted to caffeine within a matter of days. After that, some people find that unless they keep up their usual daily consumption, they develop a splitting headache.
Anxiety. Some evidence suggests that people with anxiety problems tend to feel better when they avoid caffeine.
Understand, though, that if you drink coffee on a daily basis--even as little as a cup or two--you'll likely become habituated to its effects. Harvard's Stampfer says he tries to keep his coffee drinking irregular enough to avoid habituation. "That way, I can get a buzz when I feel like it."
Main Entry: ha·bit·u·a·tion
Pronunciation: -"bi-ch&-'wA-sh&n
Function: noun
1 : the process of habituating : the state of being habituated
2 a : tolerance to the effects of a drug acquired through continued use b : psychological dependence on a drug after a period of use
But still, I don't like the fact that I now need it to feel normal, just how I would have felt if I never got into it in the first place, that bothers me. Thanks for posting that for me. I appreciate that you'll always tell me if you think I'm ever off in any way
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