(no subject)

Jul 08, 2009 14:47

I enjoy adding new friends via Livejournal, and i'm pretty laid back about who I accept. Before adding me, here's some stuff you should know.

- I have an eating disorder and other mental health issues, and i vent about these in my journal occasionally. I in no way promote or encourage ED's soIf you're looking for tips you're in the wrong place.
- I love maths/physics and literature. 
- I enjoy photography as an expressive art form, but I lack skill. I will probably post my photography in this journal regardless.
- Music is a huge part of my life. I play clarinet, flute and piano and occasionally write music.
- I live in a country run by these two idiots:

David Dimbleby (Flawless, national treasure etc) for PM!!

If I didn't put you off, then leave a comment and i'll add you back!
