(no subject)

Jan 08, 2006 03:41

I guess classes start in about 28 hours, but I don't have any books or know where any of my classes are. I'll just have to burn those bridges when I come to them.

I'd really like to sleep right now. I dunno, maybe I'll sign up for facebook. Who all has facebook? Does the deej have facebook? To answer my own question, yes.

Some people measure success by productivity. I, however, measure success in levels. And I have about 25 more levels before I'll have been successful.

hoo, I've got jet lag somethin fierce.

Just stop me when I'm wrong.. I gots to thinkin, wouldn't life be better without expectations? I mean, that way this college nonsense wouldn't even be an issue. It's one of them yoda chains: expectation leads to obligation, and obligation leads to insincerity, and insincerity leads to sucks. For example, I bet the first waitress got tipped cuz she dun good; then, more people started tipping cuz waitresses were getting payed so little, and it became expected. So insteaded of making the restaurant raise its wages, customers are obliged to leave a tip no matter how many refills they got.

Don't listen to them, Mr. O'Reilly. Anybody that says you're crazy is just part of the conspiracy.

What time is it? 3:40ish? Disgusting.
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