Nov 26, 2010 02:28
Holidays are crap. You want to know why? Because they inflate you with unrealistic expectations of what a day should be. I expected to be in a turkey induced stupor, not moving more than necessary to complete my Jabba the Hutt impression. Instead, I'm eating not as heartily, walking just as infrequently and doubling my dosage because I was without vicodin for longer than necessary the day before Thanksgiving. That is what sucks. That is what makes this month crap. Screw your train. You were either alive or dead. When you're dead what do you have to worry about from there? You get back up anyways.
I'm thankful for my vicodin today. Tomorrow it better be the same. While I'm at it, I'm thankful for a newly developed case of some kind. That means my life hasn't completely descended into meaninglessness. When I'm more into celebrating, there'll be pie.
Filtered to Dr. Chase, Dr. Cameron, and Dr. Wilson Because He Feels Like It;
The midget as inconveniently disappeared again when we have an ample opportunity to utilize her particular talents. Great. Just when I was in the cheating to win mood.
What are we working with then? I trust that Plan A has been put into effect. I'm going to spare a guess that it's in the process of failing. Did we ever get a Plan B behind the second door? If not we'll have to play pin the tail on the treatment. Oh boy.
elementary my dear network,
dammit eden do something,