24 - 7x05 “Day 7, 12:00 to 1:00pm” - Review

Jan 20, 2009 22:53

Take shallow breaths, Agent Williams!

Notes on Monday's episode:

• This was kind of another filler episode, up until the last few minutes. In fact, it almost made my C+ cutoff until I reflected upon the effectiveness of that final scene (pictured above).  Initially, it felt like a repeat of the S1 moment (where Jack pretended to kill Nina Meyers), up until the point the bad guys wised up and had Jack bury his "victim." Even though there was a silent clock at the end, I'm sure Agent Williams will be popping out of the dirt Lucio Fulci-style within the first 10 mins of next week (which will greatly relieve her boss; who, to no one's surprise, was revealed to have the hots for her).
In this week's other major event, the Secret Service agent assigned to the First Husband (and now I remember him from REDEMPTION) finally showed his true colors, but even if he does kill Henry Taylor, there's no way in hell he'd get away with it.

Next week: the deadline for the Sengala invasion passes (I think). What are the terrorists going to use the PCI device for? 
• Between this episode and PANIC ROOM, I'd say an investment in those sort of devices seems rather futile, perhaps?

• Everyone thinks the FBI mole is the blonde assistant (the one having an affair with Sean). I think that's too easy and vote for Janis. Why? Cause it'd be amusing to see Janeane Garafalo play a bad guy, that's why.

• No Buchanan or Chloe this week. Boo.

• "Dammit" count: 1 (SAC Larry Moss)
   Terrorists tortured by "good guys": 0 (or does gassing Motobo and his wife count?)
   People tortured by terrorists: 1 (Matobo's guard, who got beat up a bit)
   Overall body count: 0

Episode Grade: B-

tv, 24

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