Why do I need to work instead of work onfic?

Mar 21, 2013 11:33

You know, I had completely forgotten what it was like to have words and stories just flow from me relatively easily. I keep running through notepads at work and never seem to have enough time to transcribe everything at night. It feels really good though frustating because I do have to get work done at work too.

And, of course, the sudden word flow wouldn't be for the unfinished fics I have hanging out there. It's got to be for an obscure pairing with like five fans and very little other fic out there, but I don't care. I'm writing for me and it feels great. I can definitely tell I'm a bit out of practice though. It takes a little more work to put a story together than it used to.

Posted via m.livejournal.com.

writing, fic

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