I've been a bit MIA lately. It's been due to multiple things:
-My Virginia Neighbors are in town all this month and they've been inviting us over for a bit of wine and cheese or dinner at least two or three times a week. The month isn't even half over and I feel like I've been pickled in Chardonnay. With them it's like the never empty wine glass, you blink and suddenly it's full. I have to resort to hiding my glass, but then another one magically appears.
-My Army Neighbor is home from Iraq on leave, so there's been a round of parties and dinners for him.
-My car died, but luckily it was a simple fix and all my dad had to do was replace the alternator.
-My dad and I installed a new light fixture in my bathroom. We also discovered the people who put up the original fixture didn't do a swell job and there were huge gaping holes in my sheetrock that have to be filled. Wall paper next. How exciting.
- I got the first season of Mad Men on dvd. And I've been holing up watching it with every commentary track (some eps have 2) and special feature. I am so in love with that show. I've really got to do a mega Mad Men post to share my excitement and love with you all.
- I've been wrestling with my
gateverse_remixfic. It has been such a struggle to get a grasp on. I think because the fic I picked was something of a vignette and didn't have much plot wise. I have so much more work to do on it before the deadline, But I WILL get it done. *crosses fingers*
- I've been in a bit of a funk lately and haven't really felt like spending much time on the computer when I get home. I sit in front of a computer at work all day and somedays I can't stand to do it more at home even for fun.
- I've been reading quite a bit. I read Chuck Yeager's autobiography. I just got through reading The Tailor's Daughter by Janice Graham. It was quite good. I really enjoyed they tailoring aspect and the detailed descriptions of the clothes. It made me reminisce about my years in men's wear and how much I used to enjoy the suit area in the store. The was a nice love story as well, but by no means a bodice ripper. I also picked up Kushiel's Scion by Jacqueline Carey. The originally trilogy is one my favorite fantasy series. I was originally reluctant to pick up the new books because they didn't center on Phedre, but I'm glad I finally did. I always feel sorta of uncomfortable discussing this series with other people. It's like when you say you read it and enjoyed it, some people will give you this speculative look or sometimes ask if you secretly want to be an anguisette. It's very odd and rather creepy. Like you can't just enjoy a book without projecting yourself into the main character.
So that's me of late. How have you all been since I've only glanced at lj lately?