Check out my wonderful new icon made for me by special request by
triciabyrne1978. It expresses my feelings on the state of the chain of command of SG-1 in the words of immortal Jayne Cobb.
On another note I missed both stargates and went and saw the Black Dahlia. I wouldn't recommend it. I love film noir and detective novels, but I really ust didn't enjoy the movie. The plot was even more convoluted than The Big Sleep and I'm still not quite sure about some of the things that happened. I don't really care for Josh Hartnett as an actor. He was sorta emotionless and had the same expression on his face throughout the entire movie. I do want Scarlett Johanson's wardrobe in the movie though.
Saw the very tail end of Atlantis.
From what I figure Sheppard shot McKay. McKay's whining on the ground about having been shot. The camera pans to Ronon and he has the biggest most beautiful smile on his face, like McKay being shot is the best thing to happen since he was freed from being a runner. It was just and odd little moment and made me want to hug Ronon. Yes, I know I'm weird.
Off to the adoptathon at Petsmart tomorrow to see if I can find a new cat. I had been talking to a woman about getting these two brothers that she had. They're 6 months old and she doesn't want to separate them. But upon discussing things with my roommate I decided I'd get one for now. We want to see how her dog reacts. He's still pretty much a puppy so I don't really think they'll be much of a problem getting him acclimated to having a cat around. I just hate having to tell this woman that I won't be getting these two cats and I really wouldn't want to separate them if they'd be unhappy apart.