Oct 23, 2008 13:53
My friend M is the opposite of me. She’s very private and slow to reveal herself. I, on the other hand, have an LJ called “I have nothing to hide.” She ponders, reflects, discusses. I act fast and go with my gut. She’s even and steady. I’m a thrill ride. I could go on and on. But we respect and admire each other for our differences. It’s really a cool friendship.
So I’ve been using my best charm and persuasion to get M to join Facebook, knowing it’s a lost cause. The woman’s not even listed in the phone book. However, about a month ago, I logged in to discover, much to my surprise, that she had joined!!! It’s been such a blast. We fling thongs at and buy drinks for each other, write ridiculous messages, post ridiculous pictures. She’s as fun online as she is in person. But as is to be expected, she thinks about Facebook much more often and much more deeply than I every will. So I get these adorable little emails from her every few days asking things that I’ve never considered wondering, like: if someone Google’s me will they find my Facebook profile? I’m like, I hope! They can apparently Google me and find my Livejournal … that’s right! I know who you are! Don’t try to deny it! … The other day I got the most hilarious email from M. She’s like, WTF with this friending business? People I wouldn’t say hi to on the street want to be my friend? WHY? And then people I know but maybe not that well or maybe haven’t talked to in a while friend me, and I accept (after 3 days of consideration, I’m sure) and then they don’t bother to say anything! Why friend me if you’re just gonna ignore me?!?
So there I was, trying to explain the philosophies of Facebook friending, which I know nothing about, wondering if someone out there has written a dissertation on the topic that I can just forward to her, when I decided to get Brent’s opinion on the matter. He was like, "wow. She’s right. It is kind of rude to friend someone and then never say hi". I’m like, "yeah, but everyone does it. Your intention is to connect with them and hope something comes up at some time to talk about." So we discus for a few minutes, and then I go take a shower and embark on singing, forgetting the discussion even took place. I walk back into the living room and Brent, sitting at the computer with a proud look on his face, announces, “There! I have now said something to every person I’ve friended but never talked to. 38 people. Done.” I diiiiieeeeeed. This is the man who was complaining just yesterday that he couldn’t get his homework done because he was spending too much time on Facebook. Does he think these people aren’t going to write back? That this is not going to turn into 38 conversations?
Sure enough, two days later he’s alllll panicked because everyone in the world is hitting him up on Facebook and he hasn't started his final. And M meanwhile is pondering the morality of searching for people in your email address book.