(no subject)

Nov 23, 2004 21:42

The Simple Stuff
[x]Full Name: Victoria June Levell
[x]Birthday: October 5th
[x]Members of Fam: Dad, Mom, & Kendra
[x]Pets:  Seth (mine & chetters puppy), murphy (my dachshund with mom and dad)
[x]Member of Famm closest to you:  i'm close to all of my family

The School Side
[x]School Name:  bevill state community college
[x]Do you have "school spirit"? uh nah
[x]Fave subject:  don't have one
[x]Cafeteria Food:  never ate it

This or That?
[x]Pop or Country?  depends on my mood...usually country
[x]Rap or Rock?  rock
[x]Classical or Latin? I'm not a big fan of either
[x]Chicken or Beef? chicken
[x]Fruits or Veggies? fruits
[x]Horror or Comedy? comedy
[x]Theater or Renting? either, although if i can hold off, its cheaper to rent
[x]City or Country? country
[x]LiveJournal or Xanga?  livejournal i guess
[x]Silver or Gold? white gold
[x]Surfing or Skateboarding?  surfing would be cool
[x]T.V or Computer?  depends on my mood
[x]Summer or Winter?  winter
[x]Spring or Fall? fall
[x]Bush or Kerry? Bush
[x]ProLife or ProChoice?  life!

[x]Color:  green and pink
[x]Animal: dolphins.....domesticated---dogs
[x]Food: Chinese and italian
[x]Candy:  twix and sour patch kids
[x]Song:  don't have just one
[x]Band:  i really like blindside and relient k
[x]Movie:  pirates of the caribbean is pretty high up there....
[x]Hangout Place:  the hizzy or the church
[x]Drink:  h2o, juice, sprite, mt. dew
[x]Game: texas hold 'em
[x]Sport:  basketball and football
[x]Radio Station: 93.7, 102.5, 104.7, 96.5, 107.7 
[x]TV Station:  disney, wb, weather :)
[x]TV show:  one tree hill, gilmore girls
[x]Smell: guys' curve
[x]Flower:  yellow roses
[x]Store:  old navy, lerners, aeropostale, walmart
[x]Teacher:  mr. timmons
[x]Cartoon Character:  dory

Which one of your friends is....
[x]The Sweetest:  Chetter and trista
[x]The Most Understanding:  chetter
[x]The Best Listener: chetter
[x]The Most Caring:  chetter and trista
[x]The Funniest:  chetter, coop, and meg
[x]The Craziest: coop, chetter, and rach
[x]The Smartest: meg
[x]The Best Singer:  meg, ha!  :)  love ya!  umm...trista
[x]The Most Interesting:  chetter
[x]The Most Honest:  chetter, rach, and payton
[x]The Most Trustful:  chetter
[x]The Cutest:  chetter of course :)

Crazy Questions
[x]What do you want to do when you're out of school?  get married and have kids...
[x]If you were an animal, which would you be and why?  umm, i dunno
[x]What song best describes you and why?  dont' know that either
[x]Which friend of yours do you identify with most and how?  payton, we've always been on the same page and no matter how much distance is between us, we've always found time to check on each other and keep updated on each other.  we've been through so much together and know each other so well.

About Love
[x]Do you have a boyfriend or girlfriend?  yes
[x]Name? Chet
[x]What do you like most about them?  i love everything about him
[x]Do you have a crush?  it's not a crush
[x]Do they know that you like them?  of course he does
[x]What do you like most about them? everything
[x]Do you plan on marriage?  sure do
[x]Do you believe in love at first sight?  no
[x]Do you believe in soul mates?  i believe that God hand picks and creates someone for each person and he's given me mine :)
[x]Do you want children after marriage?  yep
[x]Whats the most important thing to you in a relationship?   beliefs, honesty, communication, and sincerity
[x]What song reminds you of your bf/gf or crush?  When God made you by Natalie Grant

When Was The Last Time You...
[x]Told someone you loved them:  about 30 min. ago to chetter
[x]Brushed you teeth: earlier today
[x]Ate food:  about 3 hours ago
[x]Saw a movie: tonight, harry potter prisoner of azkaban
[x]Danced:  i dunno
[x]Told someone how you felt about them:  tonight
[x]Saw your best friend:  i see him everyday :)
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