school sucks

Aug 01, 2004 22:28

i'm working on my paper for english...and it has just occurred to me how much i really hate school. bleh. so anyways, my sister was suppose to get to come down here this weekend, but it didn't work out :( I have to admit i'm disappointed, but i get to see her this weekend, so i'm excited about that. i miss her so much. i guess the saying is true. you don't realize what you have until it's gone. just for the record---my little sister is the most awesome person in the world :)

so today, after church chet and cody came over and played xbox while i worked on my paper a little. then coop and meg got here and the guys continued to play xbox. i played a game of halo against cody and didn't turn out so good. i didnt kill him even once! lol then cody left and chet and coop grilled steaks and cooked french fries. it was good. i played need for speed underground while they cooked...didn't do so well at first, but i got better.

tomorrow, we are going to oak mountain. i've never been so it should be fun. i have to finish my paper sometime between now and tuesday night, and's not looking so great. i just dont have the determination to do it. i have to pray that God will give me the determination to focus and get it done.

here lately, ive found myself so hungry for more and more of God. I am ready to see our youth group grow. it's going to happen, its only a matter of time.

God, thank you for your mercy and for your grace. Thank you for choosing me even when I didn't choose you. Even when I don't count on you, you are always there. Thank you for being my best friend and for loving me with that unconditional love that only you can give. I thank you for the opportunities that you have opened up for me to minister and i thank you in advance for the many doors you have yet to open. Lord, I pray that you would bless our youth group and that we would focus on you completely. I pray that we will whole-heartedly seek your face. I am hungry for more of you, God...and no matter how much of you I get, it is never enough. I want to go to that next level with you Lord and I want you to use me any way you see fit for your glory. Lord, continue to show me your will and to give me an understanding of what my purpose is. I need you and I love you.

well, guys I'm out. i need some sleep...i have a long day ahead of me tomorrow. i love you all.

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