learning to look at the bigger picture.....

Jul 22, 2004 21:49

well, i'm going through a learning experience right now. learning not to worry about the small things, and look at the bigger picture. i'm learning that just because it can't happen right now doesn't mean it isn't going to happen ever. and when something or someone is worth the wait, don't dwell on what isn't happening now, but look at the future at all of the things you have to look forward to. they are all going to be worth the wait in the long run. also, when God has given you something, cherish it or them with everything you have and don't let little petty things come between you. always listen to God for the answers. even when you don't think he is listening, he is. he is just waiting for you to be quiet and listen for his answer.

something to think about:
just because something is in God's will for your life doesn't mean you can't mess it up. even God's will can be messed up, if we don't follow it correctly.

in a wrap...
look at the bigger picture
cherish the things God has given you
listen for the still small voice
follow God's will


don't ever go a day without telling those who mean the most to you, just how much you really love them.

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