Better Days Are Far Ahead...

Feb 08, 2006 06:35

These past few days were pretty rough...Last night I got all worked up because I found out my ex. boyfriend (Nathan) who I dated all last summer, fell at B-Ball practice and about broke his neck..His mom called last night and said that they thought for sure that he was dead..I have never been that scared in all my life..I mean I still love him, he was my first "actual love", I mean we spent EVERYDAY of the summer together, like 2 peas in a pod..BUT fact of the matter is that he broke up with me when we went into High School when the summer ended....

He had his reasons..But whatever were still like Best Friends or whatever..BUT, I called him today and his mom said he went for his M.R.I today and they get the results Friday..They said something about either calcium or blood near his brain..If it is blood then if it hits his brain tissue then he could lose alot of his memory, but if it is calcium then it won't do much damage or whatever, I don't know the full facts on that matter..Well lets just say that I have been getting on my knees ever since..

Well anyhoo, today nothing happened really..Just boring classes..I am offically failing Algebra with a 39 average..That friggin SUCKS..Coach Fields is such a sweet/funny guy, but to be strait with you, he should not be a teacher, because he doesn't know how to explain math good..Well at least to me anyways, and lots of other peoples..

Welp, I am straightning myself up a whole lot..I do not cuss alot anymore, I haven't smoke in 2 days..(amazing)..And PLUS I haven't broken my New Years resolution (which I cannot say )..And also I am cutting back on the food.I think I am gaining to much weight..Well I am gonna go check my Bebo...I will update whenever something worth updating happens..Oh yeah, I goto the Doc's either this Fri. or next Wed. they keep rescheduling it and it is getting annoying..Oh and before I forget, about the anonymous person thingy, it was Brittany Grindstaff and Alisha Bennett..It has been DROPPED on my behalf, just ignore any futher comments marked anonymous..

To Britt: Love you girl, Listen to your HEART! Let it make the descisions for you, if you do then you can't go wrong..And "NEVER regret something that once made you smile.."...<--Pretty ain't it..

Well I am out now, My sis is gonna help me with my algebra..Oh what joy..
I am such a

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