I was Meant to be at Alice's sleepover right now, getting drunk, playing games like spin the bottle, etc *my mother didn't know about the activities though) but my "mother decided that I can't go, so guess what? We're in Bedfordshire. Again.
I'm watching Eurovision and typing this, I'm gonna take some quizes...
Which Mean Girls Character are you?
Find out at Toxxic.net Are you going to Heaven or Hell?
Find out at Toxxic.net What mental disorder are you?
Find out at Toxxic.netThis is weird, because I really am schizophrenic. It sucks, because I don't actually know who's real in my life, and I don't know when I'm talking to someone who isn't there, which is why I ignore people a lot, until someone else nudges me or whatever, to say that the person is trying to get my attention, so I know I'm not making a bigger fool of myself. It makes me look deaf, and slightely stupid, but it works, and doesn't freak people out, like it used to.
Which Holiday Best Suits Your Personality?
Find out at Toxxic.net What type of shoe are you?
Find out at Toxxic.netActually, I despise leather O.o
You are...Lust! you love to look sexy and dress
sexy! there's nothing wrong with that, unless u
wanna be looked upon as a slutty,cocksucking,
skanky, hoe!
Which one of the Seven Deadly Sins are U?( with America's Next top Model pics) brought to you by
Quizilla MINOCRAB, u must be special !!! type z74 in
quizilla search for more stupid quizzies =D !!!
WhicH CursE / SweaR WorD ArE YoU ? ! ( InsanitY QuiZ # 1 ) z74 brought to you by
Quizilla You were destined to have a Red Lightsaber.
Red is the color of fire and blood, so it is
associated with energy, war, danger, strength,
power, and determination as well as passion and
desire. You have seen the Strength and Power of
the Dark Side of the Force and have you thirst
for more of it.
What Colored Lightsaber Would You Have? brought to you by
Quizilla You are GOTHIC! Sometimes you might feel like you
just want to escape! sometimes u feel like
there might be no point living! Alot of people
get this feeling. Most times youd like to be on
your own and away from people. You would be
cold towards others, its probably because you
just cant trust anyone. Maybe you should loosen
up a bit and find som1 you can trust.
Are you GOTHIC, PREP, PUNK,UNIQUE (girls only) brought to you by