Sep 27, 2012 19:47
It's been a ridonkulous amount of time since I posted, so I was having a hard time of it trying to figure out how to get back in the saddle. Do I ease in sideways as if I'd never left? Do I apologize to my tiny audience of friends and make grand gestures of genuflection? Bah, I'll just tell a story.
So Heidi and I both have a copy of this picture of G3000, smiling wide as can be. We got it sometime in the last two years, and it's a wonderful memento of her spirit and amazing outlook on life. Heidi lost her picture somewhere in her boss Chris' studio, and she's been casually looking for it for the last few months.
One day, she sees Chris opening his box of paints, and there G3000 was! She was glued to the inside of the lid of Chris' case, and has actually been traveling all around with him--and Heidi also, when they took their tour of the east coast--and Heidi didn't even know!
"You found Grandma!" she exclaimed.
Chris blinked. "Oh, this is YOUR grandma? I asked around but I guess I didn't ask you. I kept her here cuz she's got a crazy expression."
Now I don't blame him for not bothering to ask Heidi since G3000 is from the Kreeger side. And she does have an interesting face in that picture, because such a wide grin is not common in 95-yr-olds. But I think it's funny that G3000 still managed to tag along all this time. ^_^