Feb 03, 2011 02:28
Gosh, I've been awful about posting. I guess when you spend most of your throw-away time playing COD: Black Ops, there's really not much to report.
Monday: Played Team Deathmatch. Probably killed more people than got killed. Stuck a grenade to somebody. It was funny.
Tuesday: Got hit on by a 14 yr old whose screen name was something offensive. Tiger kept barking to be let out in the middle of matches. I ate leftover fried chicken.
Wednesday: Am I boring you yet?
Sure, other things happen. I went to Wisconsin. Hmm, should post pics up at some point. A cold front is moving through and shutting Houston down, but I can't help but compare it to below zero temps in Wisconsin and now I'm all derisive. Nobody's laughing at me all bundled up, though!
My Check Engine light won't go away, despite all the incense I burned in prayer. Looks like when I get back from the Superbowl, I'll have to get grimy to fix it. Replacing the downstream O2 sensor requires pulling up some carpet on the passenger side. *wrinkles nose*
Oh yeah, going to the Super Bowl. Whether I can get INTO the Super Bowl is in question, but we shall endeavor! Please expect a full report.
My desktop computer exploded. My sister's moving into my room. I'm playing Rock Band 3 with my new Pro Guitar and it's fun to the max, especially when my mom plays on keyboards, too ^_^. I'm thinking about moving out. I've got new music obsessions. For anime, it's Kimi ni Todoke. My credit card bill is $700, the most is has ever been! Red Sushi is deader than it's ever been! I haven't written anything meaningful in over a year. My stepbrother is a nice guy, but tends to judge before he thinks. I'm a purple belt and I have to somehow be able to do 50 push ups by April. I do almost everything with Rameses and Leo that I think my Mom thinks they're one person named "Ramzileo" whom I'm spending an awful lot of *hinthint* time with lately.
And I have laundry to do. Geez, so many things on my mind!