when there's noone to talk to..

Feb 24, 2004 07:20

01. what is the first person you ever slept with's middle name? Josiah
02. what kind of underwear are you wearing and what color? o, no. I don't know the different style names. but there's a cow print. moo.
03. what is the song you want played at your funeral? Radiohead's Exit Music (For a Film).
04. what is the phone number of your sluttiest friend so some of the single people can get some action? 954-478-ha97
05. what would your last meal be before getting executed? Sapphire, neat, from the bottle.
06. beatles or stones? Beatles
07. if you had to pick one person on earth who should die, who would it be? he's a son of a Bush
08. last person you want to hear their problems? honestly, I can always use the distraction
09. what is the thing most important to you about the opposite sex? intellect/wit
10. do you secretly hate some of your friendsters / LJ friends but are too nice to reject them? most of my friendsters and lj companions are actually my friends. I secretly wish I was closer to some of them, but hey.. there's distance in the way. and miles in some cases, too.
11. if you could have any super power what would it be? my precious.. invisibility.
12. favorite hangover cure? three percogesics (over the counter muscle relaxer) and a V8 Splash, then sleep
13. how many drinks does it take to get you drunk? tipsy? two. drunk? four. belligerent? six++
14. favorite outkast lyric? "shake it like a polaroid picture." GENIUS!!
15. hair color you most like someone your dating to have? natural jet black, rar
16. if you had to be blind or deaf? deaf, I don't think I could live in a world of darkness
17. do you have any psychiatric problems? o, there's a label for everything. to me, there's a source to a problem and a way (seemingly impossible) to fix it. I just haven't found many, yet.
18. siblings that should go to rehab? nah, maybe an institution, but she's a hipster. we can let her keep her spirits.
19. least favorite month? February. I am waiting for the physical ailment to hit as it has over the last as many years as I can remember
20. favorite hateful thing to do to someone? overcharge them for pot
21. first movie you can remember seeing as a kid? The Neverending Story. I remember seeing She's Out of Control and Die Hard 2 as well. and I think a Strawberry Shortcake movie. ahhh, smoked those memories away
22. favorite person in the whole world? Dylan!!
23. when's the last time you went on a date? uh, I shot pool last night and had a few beers. he paid for everything, but it didn't end with sex (because I had to go to work and I've my period, err). does that count?
24. do you like violent movies or dirty movies? not particularly.
25. fall or spring? fall
26. person you most wish you hadn't made out with? haha, Chris. (the not Oddville, gay one)
28. if you are straight, what person of the same sex would you do it with? o, straight. siiigh. I think Maura Tierney is HOTT. o, I like to have "sex" with my girlfriend. she's hott, too
29. where do you want to live when you are old and brittle? Hollywood Beach, on das water
30. who is the person you can count on most? Mylo&Audrey
31. if you could date any celebrity past or present, if time and age are not factors? ooh, I already said Maura Tierney.. o, wait. that was sex. this is dating. hm, well.. JOSHUA JACKSON, of course.
32. what books have you pretended you've read? Crime and Punishment, damn! that was long.
33. what's a word you would use to describe your life? epoch'd
34. favorite drinking game? the Drunk Sean FIfty-two Card 'Everybody Let's Get Fucking Wasted' Game which consists of a different drinking rule for each card in the deck in which everybody, or most everybody gets to drink each round.
35. what did you dream last night? I haven't slept yet. but the last time I dreamt involved doors and locks and a red blanket.
36. favorite vices? cannibus, human contact, alcohol (not necessarily in that order)
37. what is the last thing you'd ever tell someone? that they're stupid as hell that they're filler.

--School and year you graduated: Hallandale High school, 199never
--Number of people in your graduating class: probably like sixty-five. haha. no, maybe two hundred (ish). only a little over half of our senior class actually graduated. I guess I was in good company. haha
--Nickname in high school? "Vicki" or "vix" and sometimes "Vicwhoria"
--Sport you were into? tennis and softball
--Had a circle of friends? a few of them, actually.
--Best subject? probably english but I did well in all of my classes if I actually attended them. I enjoyed yearbook and physics the most.
--Worst subject? hm, I think I only went to health/personal fitness class like eight times in total over the entire course.
--A teacher you owe life lessons to? my tenth grade english teacher Ms. Neely greatly contributed towards the intellectual side of my ego.

--Describe in some words...
Freshman (year 9): Fall '96 - Spring '97. was really into punk and ska and Radiohead and Pearl Jam. also loved on the estrogen infested stuff like Ani, Tori, Lisa Loeb, Kate Bush, et cetera.. took acid for the first time. lost my virginity. tore a ligament in my foot the day before the district finals for tennis. met life-changing forever friends. changed unbelievably!

Sophomore (year 10): Fall '97 - Spring '98. started skipping school moreso than ever before. got into yearbook class and delved further into television production, cementing my love to manipulate the outflow of information unto the masses. tried many more drugs, enjoying most of them. quit playing competitive tennis, which changed my life completely. serious! erosion of familial relationships. amazing teacher/mentor got me into writing. Seventeen 1/2 and the Sloppy Singing Commode were born (a zine and newsletter, respectively)- I contributed to both. began the love affair with electronica, beginning with trance and hard house. thanked God for Ok Computer.

Junior (year 11): Fall '98 - Spring '99. hazey due to major drug usage. all but stopped going to school, yet still managed to stay in all those extracurricular activities. partied very hard. got really into politics and religion, reading everything I could get my hands on. fell in love with Aphex Twin, Massive Attack, and Underworld leading me into a whole new realm of music. let my guard down to hip hop thanks to the Insane Clown Posse, if you can imagine. started a two and a half year celibacy kick.

Senior (year 12): Fall '99. really dug the Crystal Method and the Chemical Brothers and Orbital, o yeah. was also enjoying the unreleased live Radiohead bootlegs that were floating around. played quite a bit of Nitrous Oxide on the Playstation and inhaled quite a bit of it with friends. was co-editor of the yearbook before dropping out. stopped using most drugs. discovered Taoism and Paganism. rediscovered sleep and xanax, albeit briefly. fell in love for the first time. became addicted to the cannibus to the point of dealing, leaving me stagnant through the rest of my teen years.

--Your best friend was? Alex Y.
--Worst friend? o, man.. Q?? he sucked. what did we see in him?? I suppose the ability to score drugs and drive us around while we were on them.
--The school slut? I have no idea. we didn't really participate in those things. there was that girl who gave a blow job in the stairwell and got squirt with semen in her eye and had to go to the emergency. but for the life of me, I can not remember her name.
--Unrequited crushes? Bryan G.
--Cafeteria food sucked? not really, there was something for everyone. there was the school lunch, the salad bar, the nachos/churros/snack window, and the fast food line which had taco bell burritos, pizza, cheese sticks, and other nasties for you to enjoy.
--Wore uniforms? no, but by the time I was a junior, we had to wear ID badges.
--How was the prom? I didn't go to mine. I went to my boyfriend-at-the-time's when I was a sophomore.
--Who were the prom king and queen? I have no idea.
--Any achievements? yearbook co-editor, captain of the tennis and softball teams, producer/director/slave to WCIA news, contributing editor to newspaper, numerous officer positions in various clubs- Latin, Ecology, German, Renaissance Society
--Were you popular? relatively.
--Best song that reminds you of high school? this is really hard.. but I am going to go with Cake's Perhaps, Perhaps, Perhaps
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