25 1/2 Today

Aug 14, 2008 22:24

So I haven't posted a catchup in a while, so here goes:

School - Fuck this shit.

Work - Hella tight. So I've almost been there a year and it's awesome. I get 2 free meals a day, a set schedule, and I have the ability to surf whenever I need to. I guess I've gotten a bit out of hand with using the free line recently, but we'll see how that goes. I recently got a physical and as a result, a paid day off. I used it to sit on my fat ass haha. Which brings me to...

Weight - So in 2005, I weighed 125, but I know that weight fluctuated a lot. See that pic on the left? That's 2005ish. Today I weigh 154. I had help though. Aside from the aforementioned 2 free meals per day, we have a contest going on at work - "The Biggest Loser." Those familiar with the show know that you're supposed to lose weight, and the one who loses the most wins. Well, so that one of the other guys at work and I could join, we were the only ones who had to gain weight. The winner is the one who gains/loses the most weight by percentage. Currently, I am in 2nd place behind the other gainer (Philip). We're back and forth though. The winner gets all of the money put into the pot, which right now is like $270ish. It's weird eating so much. I'm so used to eating once a day and MAYBE on the weekends. Now I'm starving in the morning and even now I feel like going to get food, but I'm hella lazy.

House - Ok so some of you may know I bought a house in February. Well, I'm still here, and now I'm +2 to roommates. Brennan's been here since I moved in and... well that's room for another update in and of itself. Leo just moved in here about 3 weeks ago and so far so good. He's doing well himself, just got a new car and all - I'm sure you'll read all about it when he blogs like this. Anyway, he pays me on time (so far) and when Veronica comes over and gets bored, she cooks or cleans for me. Not a bad deal.
I just recently got a washer and dryer. Until now, I've been doing my laundry at my parent's place every other week, so no more of that shit. Only downside is that now I am not forced to fold my clothes since I just dump them on the bed haha. Also, my washer is jacked and I need to balance it out, cuz it shakes like a motherfucker.

Dog - Got me a dawg. Not sure what mixture it is but I think beagle and maybe dalmation. It's a sweet dog and it was probably beaten before I got it. Danny and Jared found it outside my house randomly after we ate at Cheeburger Cheeburger, and I held onto it for a day hoping someone would try to claim it but nothing yet. It ran away twice, and after I found out how I put chicken wire over the spot that it was escaping from. Oh, it's name? K.K. - like from Animal Crossing. I didn't want to name it that but everyone wanted to call it that and I couldn't think of anything better, so it stuck. Anyway it's a cool dog and it's been good so far.

Car - Still running. I have to put more oil in it every ~1500 miles or so and it smokes like a champ at stoplights, but knock on wood it's still running. I get decent mileage and everything works. Once I get settled with all my bills and shit I'll probably look into a new car. I really like not having to make payments but all the smoking and random squeaking that my car makes are starting to take its toll. I had to pay $80 for someone to smog my car (which I need to build a computer for once I get un-lazy). Not sure what I'll get yet but it will definitely be RWD and 2 doors.

Girls - Yeah... so many to choose from but not really getting anywhere. I swear everywhere I look at work is a new hot chick but I find out they're married or something like that and it sucks. Of course I'm not really trying that hard, but it'd be nice if someone else thought to come up to me. One tried but... yeah let's not get into that.

Smash - Ok so since Brawl came out, my site has doubled in members, and my tournaments have been consistently like 50 people. Rob, the owner of Play N Trade, was cool and gave me 2 wii's and 2 copies of Brawl and let me pay it off over time. I took a break this week from a tournament and again, spent it on my fat ass LOL. I recently made an AllisBrawl account and have been doing some stuff on there, and I am now a certified Tournament Host. I am proud to be called that (even though the app was informal) since I take pride in the tournaments I run and the experience I've had running them. We're in the process of trying to run a large scale out of state tournament, but we're having problems securing a location. We almost went with the Eagle's Lodge, but they wanted a grip and that would mean huge venue fees, and probably not a large outcome either. We're still looking though.

Misc - So I cut my fabulous hair off, hence the old school default, as well as the goat. I'm not too happy about the goat but the short hair is nice. I can lay against pillows and stuff without having to worry about messing anything up, and I'll use probably 3x less gel every time I do my hair.
I bought a PS3 which was an excellent decision. I was playing MGO every day until I decided to get the Metal Gear collection. I'm currently on 2, and I can't wait to get to 3, which is probably my favorite one in the series.

Anything else I missed I'm truly sorry. But, leave me some feedback!
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