(no subject)

Jan 16, 2006 00:07

Last night was the Semi Formal Dance, a.k.a., The Black and White Dance. Well, that sucked. I should've been cool like Amy, Becky, and Neecole. Most definitely. Oh well, I wasn't. Anyways, it sucked because I wasn't feeling well. I was being irritable as well, until I came home, and went online. Surprisingly I talked to someone, and it wasn't a bad thing. She's pretty neat-o really. Her name? Steph. I basically think she's way cool. We talked about a few things. Anyways, then I went to bed because Scott was yelling at me to get offline. I gave him 'The Bird' if you will, and slammed my door. Yeah, that'll show him. Ha! Only not at all.
This morning I woke up, and I felt really good. I got into the shower, and I used my awesome new shampoo and conditioner from Dove. It's the foam conditioner. BA!! Then I called Andrew, and he said he'd come get me. So he did, and we went to Matts. However, considering I'm always hungry, we went to D'angelo's. Yaay! Very exciting indeed! Then we ate at Matt's house while watching 'Merlin', which is a terrificaly awful movie, that I love. Anyways, then they had to work, so I went home. I then cleaned up my room a tid bit, and made out thank you cards for people who went to my birthday party, which means that Stace-a-roo, Da [who's was sent to Stacey], and Dennis, will be getting MAIL. I don't know about everyone else, but I feel very important when I get Snail Mail, or even email. I feel important. Email address; VLR122189@aol.com, yes, that's a hint.
So tomorrow, I'm going to the fort's in Hull with Amy, Andy, and Matt I believe. We also invited Becky, and Neecole, but Neecole probably won't go because she doesn't really know Andy, and Matt. That's okay though.

Email would be nice. I love my friend. She's amazing.
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