Dang I am such a nerd. NERD RAGE AHEAD.
The colours on my two computer displays are different and it is DRIVING ME INSANE. INSANE, I TELL YOU. I toss some Age of Conan screenshot files over to my Mac, and they just look SO MUCH NICER on there and I can't get my PC to show such nice colours ARGH. I'm using the same colour profile on each, but it doesn't really seem to make a difference. In fact, switching profiles on the PC doesn't seem to make a difference at ALL - I think it must be disabled, somehow, perhaps? I wish I knew more about colour syncing in Windows! I'll google it once I get home tonight and am less grumpy. God is currently punishing me for not being pregnant, you see.
In any case, the plans for the move are going ahead smoothly!
This is going to be my "Moving Sucks, Get A Cute Teaset" present to myself. The teapot is good, but seriously, look at those cups. Those cups? Amazing, that is what they are.
I am so glad that we're going to be on the ground floor, with only parking garage beneath. Why, you ask? Because we can totally play DDR without being absolutely paranoid that we're making the people below us miserable.
I need to buy shelves. Sean has a massive DVD collection, and together, our games collection is also massive. I NEED to arrange all that, alphabetically, and by system. I'll tear my hair out otherwise.
Oh, jeez, it's going to be so nice. I've been moving every year since the end of high school, and I'm sick of it.