So, as we're sitting in the car, stationary in the parking lot, admiring our shiny new things from the comic store, there is a thump and the car shudders. Hooray, we have been backed into!
The entire left corner of the bumper is caved in - thankfully there was no damage to the lights. Also thankfully, the guy who bumped into us was very apologetic and cooperative (his young son was there, giggling about the BAD THING his dad had done) so there shouldn't be any trouble fixing it through insurance. And their SUV didn't even have a scratch on the bumper!
But still, blar. Hassle. Blar.
(Also, what did I get from the comic store? Well, a WoW TCG card called "Bling", for one. Haha.)
I think, after this, my poor car deserves some fuzzy dice