Guilt Trip :D

Dec 24, 2006 01:38

Well honestly this is really a guilt trip not so much in content but in the fact that I am a tad guilty for neglecting my livejournal, especially after talking to my friend Zack who posts at least once a week and I have a feeling attempts to be deep and philosophical in his posts.

Well let's see, I am home again and trying to figure out when I am going to try to get the tasks I set myself for this vacation completed (like finding an internship for the summer), when to see people, when to figure out what I am going to tell the seniors at KP when I go to visit, and when to get in some desperately needed exercise. I wish my grades would be posted online already but as it is none of mine have been entered yet ::glowers:: It was my intention to attempt to expound on something deep and philosophical but after watching fellowship with a couple of weirdos and then attempting to watch two towers afterwards with a tufts weirdo I got maybe four hours of sleep last night and have basically spent my day running on caffeine. In my mind this proves the power of adrenaline since I felt far more awake and functional at my last ballroom competition when I had half the amount of sleep as I got last night.
To wax briefly sentimental, one thing I believe I have grown to appreciate increasingly with time is my family. Listening to the stories my friends tell at school and at home it hits me how well I get along with my parents, especially my mom. While dad may still not be really convinced about what sort of opportunities are open to students who major in international relations they generally are very supportive- hell, they let me take my first choice when NEU would have been a hell of a lot cheaper. They love to host my friends and generally have no qualms about me bringing home a few, as long as things don't run too late when thye have to work the next morning. We make puns and jokes of a similarly bad caliber at each other, especially as Chrissy and I have grown old enough to get them. While we certainly do not agree on everything and will sometimes trade some sharp words we are a generally functioning family unit. My temporarily stranded friend from colorado said he was surprised at first how comfortable he was at our house and then realised it was because the tension and arguments present in the homes of many of his friends were not really prevelent in the Gilbert household. I suppose some of this may be attributed to the fact that we no longer see each other every day or the general cheer of the holiday spirit but i still can't help but pause and think of all the good things. If I ever have a family I hope it can be a bit like this one. It may be a bit lonely come christmas with only four of us (since Mike and the other Gilberts are in Germany where Mike is based until the spring, when he leaves for Iraq) but I think we will have a lovely day with which to enjoy each other's company. It is nice to think life may continue this way in the years to come at least once a year when we can get together. I jut hope Mike, Rachel, and Bailey will be with us again next year and that Mike will make it through his assignment safe and sound. Poor dad, I think he is handling Mike's decision the hardest of the four of us (understandably, after all, mike is dad's Only Son) but hopefully he will be able to go visit him before he leaves in May...
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