Dear Ronnie responded to my post for yesterday with the question of whether I have had time by myself....for myself since Roy's death. Oddly enought I find this a perplexing question, not in the asking but in the answering. I have been on the internet quite a bit, watched some televsion, but have to admit that a lot of the internet stuff is about least potentially.
Today I got a chance to spend some time with a counselor. The interesting thing was that I had shared with her during some private sessions earlier in the year that Roy was sick. Soo since the impetus for having her come to the office was the sudden death of the co-worker, I was going to simply slip in and tell her the information. I went about with that attitude and several other's told me "no, you need to go talk to her...period". As it happened we talked about 30 or 35 minutes. Also at a meeting I went to last night, I found myself really wanting to talk about Roy a lot. Maybe I need to get myself to a grief counselor for a few visits...especially considering that this morning I woke up really really sluggish and out of sorts....
Thanks Ronnie for asking the question...just wish I knew how to answer it....but maybe I am on the right track. It is just that I tend to consider myself strong enought to "stand it" and dont want to bother people...and yet.......
12-09 balance reply edit delete 3 Comments
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edit delete replyvickiecollins wrote on Oct 28, '07
Exactly. A lot of it has been about Roy lately. For you and for others. The question stands, with clarification...taking Roy-factors completely out of the much time have you spent on yourself lately?
Memorials are great and all, and it's kind for people to ask you how you're coping, but, you're still here. You still exist, and have needs. Are those needs being met?
Wednesday December 6, 2006 - 08:57pm (EST) Ronnie Rho
edit delete replyvickiecollins wrote on Oct 28, '07
Hmmm, Ronnie. I guess I have been so busy with Roy etc that I have not even thought about me, as seperate from the grieving. That might shed some light on some of the dreams...especially the last one. I need some nurture because I am me...not because I am "roy's widow" or any such thing.
That is my intrepretation of your statements.....and I think you have a point. (actually I am thinking that maybe I am in need of a little ahem...well, I will just leave it at that...wink)
Wednesday December 6, 2006 - 09:53pm (CST) Vickie--Me
edit delete replyvickiecollins wrote on Oct 28, '07
Go get yourself some "ahem" this weekend. :)
Thursday December 7, 2006 - 08:17am (EST) Ronnie Rho