After ACTA: Meet CISPA‏

Apr 16, 2012 17:24


Call on technology companies like Microsoft and Verizon to stand up for privacy and drop their support of CISPA!

Even though international support for ACTA has started to waver, governments have not stopped trying to mess with the internet. The latest offender is the US government, now pushing a bill called CISPA.
The Cyber Intelligence Sharing and Protection Act (CISPA) allows for the unlimited sharing of user data among private companies and the government, without safeguards for civil liberties. This bill has global implications, so we need to convince technology companies supporting CISPA, like AT&T, Facebook, Microsoft, and Verizon, that protecting us against cyber threats should not come at the expense of user privacy.

Once seen as inevitable, your actions helped turn the tide on ACTA. Now let's do the same to CISPA. Join our urgent open letter to the nearly 30 companies supporting the bill, calling on them to stand up for user rights and drop their support. Sign the petition by clicking the link below, and we'll deliver these letters before the Act even goes to the vote:

Cyber security is vital to internet usage -- it allows us to safely shop online, send emails, and pay our bills. CISPA, though, is so vague that the governments and companies would be able monitor your online communications, censor information, and shut down internet access. There is a better way -- one that narrowly defines the roles of companies in fighting cyber threats, limits what information can be shared, and doesn't open the backdoor for governments to spy on us.

The main pillar propping up CISPA is support from the private sector. As their users, we can convince them to stand up for privacy and help bring down CISPA, just like we did convinced European officials to rethink their support of ACTA. Call on companies to protect user privacy and withdraw their support of CISPA by adding your name to the urgent letter:

With determination,
The Access Team

ACTA updates: The European Parliament is now set to vote on ACTA in the summer, while Europe's highest court is reviewing the legality of the dangerous trade agreement. If Parliament votes ACTA down, it will effectively dismantle the treaty! For more, go here and read the latest updates on the the Access blog.


Access: CISPA: The latest attempt to establish a massive surveillance state
ACLU: Comparison of Cybersecurity Information Sharing Legislation
Center for Democracy & Technology: CISPA Resource Page
Electronic Frontier Foundation: Rogers’ “Cybersecurity” Bill Is Broad Enough to Use Against WikiLeaks
TechDirt: CISPA Is A Really Bad Bill, And Here's Why
Bloomberg: Lawmaker Defends Cyber Bill as Groups Plan Internet Protest

cispa, accessnow, piracy, urgent, acta, user privacy, internet police

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