lesbian couple face death

Mar 13, 2012 17:19


In just 2 days, Esther and Pascaline are facing the trial of their lives for the "crime" of lesbianism in Cameroon.

If we can raise just $5,000 before then, we can defend them in court and protect them against death threats:

" Esther and Pascaline are fighting for their lives: a few weeks ago a man in Ambam, their small town in Cameroon, went to the police and "denounced" them as lesbians. Overnight, their lives became a living hell: they lost their jobs, their families turned their backs on them and the entire town branded them as "witches that deserve death".

They are facing trial in 2 days and they need our help. Two courageous lawyers are willing to defend them in court and to make sure they find safe housing, away from the violence and daily death threats.

Just $5,000 is enough to cover travel costs and legal fees, with a little money left over to support Esther and Pascaline while they try to turn their lives around. Without our support, it could take months to gather the money, but Esther and Pascaline can't wait that long.

If we all chip in just few dollars each, we can give Esther and Pascaline a legal defense, and hope for their futures. The trial begins Thursday, in just 2 days. If you can, please contribute now, we don't have a moment to lose:


Do you remember Alice N'Kom? You recently stood with her to defend human rights in Cameroon. Alice is a friend of All Out and one of the only lawyers in Cameroon defending people arrested for the "crime" of homosexuality. Alice and her colleague have agreed to defend these women at their trial - one that could set a key precedent for the broader fight to decriminalize homosexuality in Cameroon.

Alice just told us, "I'm really worried for Esther and Pascaline. They can no longer go out in the streets without hearing insults - Witches! Witches! You should burn like witches! - and they have already been threatened to death, even by their own family."

"Esther wrote me a text late at night, urging me to help her escape from their town." But Alice and her colleagues work on a tiny budget, and because Esther and Pascaline live in a remote part of Cameroon, they cannot cover these expenses without putting the rest of their important work at risk.

"I've seen what All Out members can do when they stand together. We cannot let Esther and Pascaline down." If all of us give just $5, we can raise $5,000 in just few hours and make sure Esther Pascaline have a legal defense and can quickly move to a safe location.


Thanks for your support,
Alberto, Andre, Erika, Flavia, Guillaume, Jasmin, Jeremy, Joseph, Tile, and Wesley


1. All Out Members Respond to Anti-Gay crackdown in Cameroon

2. Cameroon in 'first' lesbian charges

3. Lesbians arrested in Cameroon for homosexual acts

All Out is bringing people together in every corner of the planet and of every identity - lesbian, gay, straight, bisexual, transgender and all that’s between and beyond - to build a world in which everyone can live freely and be embraced for who they are.

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New York, NY 10013

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