An Honorable Knight

Jun 25, 2008 20:06

I met Sir Starhelm one of the many days I was on my high horse and pissing off a crown.

I was right usual, and as usual not terribly diplomatic about it.
The King sent me from his court. And I stomped off all full of young indignant rage.

Starhelm came after, he didn't know me just then, he just knew I needed someone to tell me I was right and it didn't matter, because the King was right as well...and we could both be right.

From the man who would not swear fealty I learned what fealty was.

Later that evening I learned a lot more, I learned who this dashing knight was, I learned that my husband's knight knew him well. I also learned this gentle knight was hearthkin. A circle with him always felt like home.

He always had a shoulder for me when I needed a confident, and talking late into the night was no issue for him.

Over the years we lost touch, then found contact again,...then lost touch, then one of us would e-mail the other and for a bit we would stay in contact, then it would drift off, but he has always been near and dear in my heart, and my heart aches that he is no longer in this world.


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