May 23, 2004 00:01
Um... I'm alive.
I finished an anime music video.
The only problem is that it's a local download at and all local downloads require a 2-week probationary period after registering. Look at it this way... if you want to download the video, then wait the 2 weeks and after that you'll be able to look at a plethora of other videos, too. There's some good stuff there.
Developer's Journal:
Tim was created by Khaiver's father, a scientist/mechanic. Tim is actually a weapon of mass destruction, which is why Azgath hunted Khaiver's father down and killed him, and this is K.'s last memory of his father, the robots dragging away his bloody carcass with his flaming home in the background. Tim, at the time, is completely disassembled and Azgath can't find him. The parts all have tracking devices which link back to K.'s compass that doesn't tell magnetic north, but the direction of the nearest deactivated part. The beginning quest is to find the parts, the end quest is to find Azgath, then Tim and Khaiver freak out and Azgath must end it, along with K.'s posse. Role reversal! :D