My christmas presents...

Dec 26, 2005 20:52

-necklace, earings, bracelett
-rollercoaster tycoon 3...and the WILD expansion pack.
-CSI dark motives, computer game
-Law and Order: Criminal Intent, computer game.
-$750 :) :) :)
-a ring (but not yet)

i am pretty stoaked on everything i got.

but the one thing i wish i could have isnt possible,
i want justin

i like had a freaking emotional break down today.
he's been gone 9 days...
and i have 9 more to go before i get to see him.

luckily my mom is letting me miss school on the 4th so i can go
and pick him up from the airport,
and then we're just going to spend the day together.

i miss him so much.
and him being gone has made me realize
just how incredibly much i love him.
i dont think i've been genuinly happy since he has been gone,
and i wont be again until he comes home.

call me pathetic,
i dont care.
i miss him.
and i love him.
and i just want him to COME HOME.

looks like im spending my new years eve alone.
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