more buffy stories

Apr 15, 2008 11:32

Night Watch (X/S season four) This fic is hot in so many ways! Foremostly, it's hot. Also, it's got that quality of heat to it, like, when it's too hot and you can't sleep and you can't think, can't do anything, cause your thoughts are as slow as trickling sweat and everything is a bit too much.

Second Verse. (X/S, AU) This is not totally my cup of tea, but I so like Spike in it, so it's worth saving. Spike is unchipped, unsouled (never went to Sunnydale) and such a vampire.

Coquette's trilogy-in-progress (A/S) Oh, sweet Delilah, how I love the Angel/Spike dynamic! This is pre-series (with the Fanged Four), Spike is a fledgling and the fic has somehow got the mood of an aging photograph, you know, coming to life. Eh. Whatever. It's great! There's supposed to be an extra chapter or so of Temper in the writers' journal, but I'm too lazy to hunt those down atm.

btvs/ats, nam nam delicious!

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