Sooo im at work.

Apr 18, 2005 15:09

Alright, so I'm at work again, and its a bit slow so I am kindof slacking off. I feel like writing a weekend update story for my friends Danny and Matt, because they are really the only people that read this on occasion.

To my friends Matt and Danny! How have you been? Danny, I wasn't on the computer this weekend, therefore I missed your message. My deepest apologies I extend to you regarding the lack of a ride to go out and party with Reston and myself. You were sincerely missed, friend, and I will make it up to you next time I am out painting the town. However, since I am out and about frequently, it is easier to reach me by my cellphone. Ninjas are silly folk.

As for Matt, you should come out too. You are crazy and fun, and its a shame that we don't get into more shinannigans together. You haven't met my girlfriend yet, and I'm sure you would vise your approval of her. Or maybe not? Either way, it would be good for me to know I think. It has been raining, and I have come to the conclusion that street drifting on winter tires is lame and decidedly not-fun. We need to cruise somewhere and slide it around. Good times were had last time, but we won't get caught by the police again, this is for sure.

Now that the pleasantries are out of the way, let me update you, my friends, on how my weekend went!
I had a few battles with the police friday. They seemed to be attracted to me by some unknown force. I believe it was my flipped up collar on my shirt. Danny Zucco from Grease had a flipped up collar and he got into trouble, so the comparison is right there. *Note to self: Always flip down collar whle driving* Either way, I was listening to Saosin, and my right foot has a tendancy to be magnetically attracted to the floor when Saosin is playing. I cruise down 52nd st completely oblivious to the fact that I am going 20km/h over the speed limit. A traffic cop kindly steps out onto the street and politely points me out among my driving peers. It seems he has radar'ed me, and now I am appropriately fubar'ed. He asks for my license, registration and insurance information. I would kindly give him these items, if it wasn't for the fact that I believe my registration and insurance pinkslip were stolen out of my car close to 2 weeks ago. I tell him the story, and he frowns. Mr. Policeman is not impressed. A thought comes to mind and think again I really should have left my collar down today. He asks me to tell him one good reason why he shouldn't give me 5 expensive tickets and tow my car. He says that if I tell him a good enough reason, he won't do this to me. I figure that this is a really good chance to get away with this, so I tell him that I am running late for work, that I just got accepted to SAIT (yahoo) and that I really can't afford to lose my car and have many demerit points on my license. I tell him that the price of these tickets would well replace one year of my tuition, and that if I couldn't pay for school, and lost my car, then I would lose my job right now becuase it is far from my house, and then I would likely have to work at a grocery store or something like that for the rest of my life. Not that being blue-collar is bad, but its just not what I saw for myself. He told me that was a good reason, wished me a good day and told me to drive safe. I drove away with a grin on my face, and my collar lifted high. I had escaped peril.

Later on in the day, Reston, Joleen, Robyn and myself were out on the town having a grand time. We had already visited The Keg, and ate some amazing steaks. I guessed the bill within $1.50, and according to the bet Reston and I had placed, he picked up the tab. Muahahaha. Just for the record, I guessed $117.62, and the bill came out to $117.75. Man am I ever good. Reston was shocked, but I would pick up the pub tab later on that night. However, I did have a pint of Keith's with my meal. That would be an important bit of information later on.
The gang piles into my car to head out to the Wildwood after dropping off Reston. I'm to drive tonight. Too bad. Beer at Wildwood is amazing. In either case we get downtown and what happens? Random 4 lane checkstop! Yayy!! I was quite enthused to talk to to the officer as I'm sure you can well imagine. He asks me if I've had anything to drink. I tell him I've had one at dinner. My collar is up. Then he tells me to pull over to the side and kindly provide my license, registration and insurance information. Great! I pull over and Reston mutters something to the effect of "You're f***ed, dude.." I basically end up telling this guy the same story, then he asks me to come back to the cop car. I get in. It's quite cramped in there for a guy my height. My knees hit the plastic and I am quite uncomfortable, but I'm pleasant anyway. I have to talk nicely or else Reston is right. Mr. Policeman makes me blow (.. on the breathalizer. you sick bastards!!) and I come up clean. He tells me of how many tickets I can get right now, but shows me mercy and I walk out a free man. I strut up to my car with my friends unsure of my fate. I get in, and after a second I calmly say 'Lets go drink!'

... And we did!

Anne To and her sister Brenda met up with our entourage at the Wildwood. I always see her at work, so she's never dolled up. Man. Anne is hot! Haha. Robyn would kill me, but Robyn likes Anne, and Anne likes Robyn. The band was playing some great tunes, (Anne had no idea they were classics) and we danced a bit. Then we figured that dancing would be a great idea about then and decided to go to Outlaws. It was amazingly hot inside, and I'm not a big fan of that place, but everyone danced dispite it all. Man. Robyn and I are super hot on that dance floor. Everybody else looks like a bunch of boobs compared to us. Hot damn! I figure I'm pretty lucky. Lucky, indeed.

That was Friday. It was a good day.
Saturday was spent shopping with Gappi, it was a grand experience. I got a bunch of new shirts for the season, and They were all on sale. I'm a champ basically. Bought Death Cab for Cutie as well. Very good record. It reminds me of Weezer meets Copeland. Kind of a strange comparison, but I think it fits. Weezer is sweet chill/cruise music, and Copeland is just good emoness. I recommend it! I spent too much money however, and that evening we went out again. Went to The Garden, and then out on the town. Robyn couldn't come this time, but we had quite enough fun last night. Ginny came out with us but Danny was nowhere to be found (sorry again my friend).
That was Saturday

Sunday I had brunch with Reston's gramma and Joleen, then went home and napped and went for dinner with Malcolm, Jennelle, and Tamara. Watched Resident Evil 2, chatted with Tamara, and drifted home. It was a good night.

Now I've wasted quite a lot of time at work writing this up. I am now irritated of writing so much, and am not entirely pleased with how this all turned out. If you have made it this far, congradulations, but work makes me incredibly dull, and erodes my storytelling abilities. This entry needed a lot more humour and wit, but cubicle walls suck my energy and my will to live. Either way, I'll write something else a bit later. Perhaps quite a bit later. Goodbye.
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