Aug 23, 2012 13:33
It happens slowly and it happens in flashes. It is present and gone and present and forgotten and overcomes you like a wave. Do you feel it sometimes, that sense of being merely one glorious cell in a giant incomprehensible organism? That everything you think to do you were already going to do before you thought to do it? Do you feel the quiver in the air that is the paradox between free will and your will being fully in synchronous harmony with the will of the divine that is your will? And then I think to express it and I feel the energy of divinity touch the Void and fall and come to itself in the linguistic cognition of material thought. That thought expressed realizes it was, it is something else, but as what it is now it cannot, simply cannot, see what it once was before. Glorious and radiant and true and not the thing itself. Within it however resides a seed of that from which it came. And it evolves in the pattern of its origin. We see it again and again everywhere. Fractals. The Fibonacci series. God in everything is God AS Everything. There is nothing that is not God. Any gods that may exist are God. You are God and I am God and we are gods.
As soon as you turn around to look at it, however, it fades. Try to record it and it is gone or hazy or different like a ghost on film. Ride it, ride it out far into the ocean or back to the shore and see where it takes you. When it stops moving it disappears. To write it down is to pin it down or to surf it. Best not think to much and just let it flow and sort through it later. This is Inspiration and it is legend throughout the ages because it has always been the word of God and God has a fine sense of humor and is a fine sense of humor. How do we reconcile all the things we think should not be God? The pain and the suffering, the injustice and repression. St. Augustus believed that Evil is merely the absence of God. But there is no absence of God. There is nothing else for there to be, even the void which is not nothing, even the Void which is not a place. How do we wrap our cute tiny little four dimensional heads around this? Perhaps we do not. Perhaps we merely listen, attune ourselves to our inner voice and listen. Listen to the endless call for compassion and balance. A call sung throughout the ages. I dare say and I dare say this, listen to the true voice of your Self, learn to separate conditioning from conscious, find your true bliss and chase it like a playful lover. Take as much time for study as makes sense for you but regardless of how you enjoy to explore, always be YOU. The Divinity has chosen to manifest as you and it wants to be the full, flourishing, unapologetically whatever it is that you are. BE IT. Let no one dissuade you in the expression of your true Self that is your true Will that is the true Will and Self of God.