Aug 26, 2006 22:45
today, i had one of those utterly sublime feelings of interconnection within the divinity and total love for all.
i was sitting outside a cafe drinking coffee, eating strawberry pie, and stealing glances at a beautiful woman sitting nearby who looked a bit like a cross between angelina jolie and my friend angel from New Orleans. the SF Marina weather was being kind, only slightly chilly, partly cloudy, and lightly windy. yoga class was glorious. the mantras were wonderful. i just had a decadent $12 lunch. i took a step back and slowed down time, fully tasting the coffee and strawberry pie, paying attention to texture and temperature as well. i felt my slightly numb fingers, my hair moving slightly in the wind. i looked into the faces of the people walking by. when the beautiful woman was leaving i complimented her and she thanked me and looked entirely pleased.
tonight is wonderful, too. no rush. no stress. tasty dinner made of the dregs of what i have in the fridge and Miranda Sex Garden on the stereo. in a few moments i will clean up dinner and get to my take-home final exam for my yoga class. i love yoga so much. i love asana. i love pranayama. i love kirtan. i love teaching. we did a practice teaching session and my student's sincere appreciation was apparent on her face as well as in her thanks. i was mentioned by one of the class intstructors for having good voice and technique. i just love it all so much. it is so entirely the right thing for me to be doing. this class is really taking my ethics and my sprituality up a notch as well. my contemplation of the theology of Hinduism (that small bit to which i am presently being exposed) sends me further into thoughts of the nature of divinity and its manifestation in and as all things. contemplation of understanding how all is one yet all are individual. potential disagreements with Patanjali about the self and ego, but maybe not, most of my contact with the yoga sutras at this point is through my teachers' interpretations. la la la la la, so much joy.
and soon off to the blissful chaos of Burning Man. all the help people have tried to provide as i struggled with getting a ride and how the universe has so beautifully provided for me really makes me feel all warm and fuzzy inside. my stress and worry was needless for i ride on the hand of god and am constantly attended by all of you angels. it is exquisitely beautiful and i am so spectacularly happy.
burning man