Damn the man!

Oct 18, 2005 14:35

Watch me tear out my hair some more. It's like a spectator sport that causes my journal to be put on filters and/or defriended. (I prefer the latter to the former, in case you were thinking about it.) The parents' divorce trial has been rescheduled to January! Janu-fucking-ary. I'm going to be living in a cardboard box or whoring myself out before then. Because my dad's lawyer needs 2 days to present. You'd think we were the Trumps, not auto mechanics from Central Oregon.

All I wanted for my birthday was for my parents to be divorced. (My birthday is Dec. 13th.)

OMG, why did no one say that Dolly Parton was on the Daily Show last night? I love Dolly and the juxtaposition between her image and her music. Oh, irony. Damn, why isn't her new album on KUPS rotation. Dude, lornelover, your mom and Jon Stewart should totally make Bob Dylan jokes together.

I played with fire this morning and fired 3 bowls, 1 plate, and 1 vase. One boy accidentally broke one of my bowls. While I understand accidents happen, I was mad at him because it's not the only thing he fucked up on. He was slow and incompetent when you need to be awake, fast, and paying attention. I almost lost it and yelled at him pre-bowl breaking. He almost caught his own shoe on fire by kicking my broken, still on fire pot; now that would've been funny. And the other boy I was working with kept trying to start me on fire. Don't bring hot ceramics toward people and not pay attention. Idiots.

divorce, art

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