So here's a thought I had while rummaging through my flist today. Turning Spike into a girl and making him have sex with Buffy doesn't make femmeslash. No, seriously. The only way that can be femmeslash is if you convincingly make Spike a MTF (male-to-female transsexual) and that's even regardless of what's under his skirt. But Spike with a magical!vagina and magical!boobs does not mean that Spike considers himself a woman.
I laughed after the episode, because in the season opener of VM, more people died than on Lost (not counting first episodes). And Lost is supposed to be the kill them all show.
I also love me some CC and her hot body. (Now writing Cordy/Buffy is femmeslash.) I need the pillow over my lap like Logan did, except, you know, I am a woman. I hope there's more snark between her and Logan.
I'm not jaded about the Kendall/Logan sex as I'm not a Veronica/Logan OTP-er. I just lust after CC and not so much after the guy who plays Logan, whose name I can't recall for some reason. (On the other hand, there is a reason why I don't find him attractive. (And maybe I'd remember his name if more people wrote VM RPF.))
I find it very interesting in the psychology of Logan (character development) that he's sleeping with Kendall, considering that Lilly was sleeping with his dad. I almost wonder if it's a reaction against that. Logan's way of dealing with Lilly's death, instead of illegal homeless boxing.
I really think that Meg got killed the good ole' "we really don't have any more storyline for her" way. At least her parents will know that their daughter wasn't a drug user.
The A plot was too easily solved. And while, yeah, RT wanted us to understand how Veronica gets sucked back into being a detective (her friends in need, duh). I think considering the ending, it might've been a better episode to show more of Veronica's plays at being normal, because obviously that doesn't work. Though, on the other hand, I do like that Veronica was sucked into being super!detective by both her bff, Lilly (S1) and Wallace (S2).
Somehow I was spoiled for the hooking up of Veronica/Duncan, so I was thoroughly confused when Veronica/Logan were hooking up before the "gotcha!"
Considering what Veronica went through last year at school, I thought Duncan's reason for staying in Neptune was rather weak. (It's not like he and Logan have immortal love the way Spike and Angel do. (No, I don't want anyone ever comparing characters. Except when super!sekrit!upcoming!guest star is on. Then we can compare that character to Xander.))
How much did I *heart* Veronica and Weevil making up? Weevil just reminds me of the boys I knew and hung out with in high school (or at least their good qualities).
(Jason Dohring. That's Logan's actor's name.)
I'm going to agree with
soundingsea that Veronica should've known that Butters was Van Clemmons' kid.
Please say I'm not the only one who snickers like a 5-year-old about Dick and Beaver. Then I think that it's obvious that RT wants us to write dirty incest fic.
Keith's comment to Wallace about pinching his nipples was hilarious. I also enjoyed Veronica knowing that Wallace ate all his spirit cookies.
The girl with the strange fashion sense (like I should be talking considering how I dressed in high school) and no social interaction skills was far to Worf-like for me. It was painful.
Overall, it was a pretty damn good season opener. I prefer optimism.
I was watching some Star Trek today and was reminded how UST-y Crusher/Picard was even in S1. Damn. I wonder if they still get married since after "All Good Things," Picard knew that if they got a divorce, but timelines are tricky little buggers.
Art ownz me. I spent 11 hours of my life today (almost half the day) in it's clutches. (Okay, six of it was in class.) My first thrown bowl ever exploded in the kiln. *sniff* (It was actually due to my own stupidity.) But I got to wear leather and play with fire at the same time. But really, I made another bowl and some cardboard boxes.
Someone bailed on us for seeing Serenity tomorrow. So we have
an extra ticket.
amaresu and
cupiecake, I was right; Ethan loved the bubbles. I blew them and he wacked them with his paw. He started to meow at me to blow more when I put them away. Now, does anyone know how get soap out of my wood flooring? ;)