Things I Did:
1) Changed my default icon to one of Buffy made by
the_true_slayer and
sweetteeth15. I felt that I need something else considering my one of Charlotte I used because I over identified with her post-break up. I felt that I needed a change.
2) Box, box, box. I burnt my right middle finger with glue from a hot glue gun. You'd think I'd learn from the amount of craft projects I helped my mom with as a child that hey, hot glue melts your skin and burns you. It doesn't help that it's the finger I use when scrolling with the down arrow on my laptop.
3) My ceramics prof liked my cylinder. Score.
4) I had a tutoring appointment with Austin and he helped me with my geometry and square roots for the GRE. That Pythagoras guy is no longer a distance memory of "Wasn't he Greek and into right triangles? Took them out on dates, right?"
5) Didn't go to B-GLAD for the first time in a very, very long time and I wasn't in a different time zone this time.
Other bits: My stomach hurts, must be Tuesday. I can't wait for Serenity.
I want to say that there was a metaphor for this episode. People cheat? Arabs are terrorists? Wait, George W. has the one copyrighted. Oh, yeah, people have hidden lives no matter what they tell/don't tell you. Booth has his gf. Bones has her crush. Tessa has her non-fat muffins. Wife had her affair. Brother wasn't a Christian, but was a radical fundamentalist Muslim. Bet Booth didn't tell Tessa about his post-work drinks with Bones. I bet that's a secret over killing the guy.
Speaking of killing, Booth is the worst sniper ever (emotionally). Where's John Cusack when you need him? Now he was a sniper. Though I really liked Bones knowing more about Muslim customs than Booth.
I got just as annoyed as Booth did with Bones 20 questions about Tessa. I'm like "stop saying her name and forcing the ship together."
Dude, DB without a shirt. While I love me some fat!DB, that was still hot. With the silver necklace and white shirt, it so reminded me of Angelus in "Innocence."
Stupid musical montage filler. Except DB had milk. Only DB.
This is one of my least favorite episodes of House. I thought that despite the prison ink/MRI myth being put forth, that 2x01 was better.
First, the
actual science bit. I agree that the little girl dying of cancer was totally play for emotions. This didn't effect me because I'm a cold hearted bitch. In a very related note, I loved House bringing up the special treatment issues. One big part of disabilities acts is to get access and treatment like anybody else, and if, like he pointed out, House "gets away with things" because of his leg, that's not equal treatment. Same goes for the little girl with cancer. To me, her story was no more moving than another other cancer stricken patient on any other tv show. (I only make exceptions for animals, which has a lot to do with my childhood. Every time Old Yellar dies, I break down like Butters.)
Even if Chase kissing the dying girl had a squick factor, I loved Cameron's and Foreman's reactions. Plus House's knowing smile and the comment about Chase's hair. While I don't like shipping Chase/House, I do like the banter, which is really terrible considering I probably wouldn't if Chase were a woman since House is sexually harassing him.
The steam room and cocaine comment exchanges between Wilson and House were priceless for those keeping 'shipping points.
Also the attached balcony between House's and Wilson's offices, wtf? Someone brought this up when it was a spoiler. And wasn't it established that Wilson doesn't have a glass office and you have to take the elevator from House's to his office?
After Wilson says, "Go to hell." OMG, major crotch shot. Is that a stethoscope in your pocket, Dr. Wilson, or are you happy to see House me?
House believes in Foreman. He likes his ideas and trusts his doctoring. Go Foreman, go.
I hate motorcycles due to personal life-long family trauma surrounding them. So I wasn't pleased with the stupid musical montage. Hurley's discman dying on Lost is still the best ever montage.