Meetings and Hopscotch

Apr 14, 2006 10:55

I'm starting to understand those women who go crazy when planning weddings. The vendors are surely driving them to it, on purpose. What in the world is wrong with these people, and why are they trying to insist I be rude to my guests? We don't need presents, and I'm certainly not going to insist they be given. Stupid, greedy, frustrating people!

But now the menu is set, there'll be enough food to feed a small army. The reception's being held at the county seat. It's a shame to leave it unused so much. I must think of something to do with it...

I wonder if Jenna and Alyx would like it? With them, and maybe Morgan and Bruce there, it'd be more than safe. And it's big...I could split it and give some to Marcus and his friends...gods know they deserve it...hmm. I like this plan.

Wow, that was a tangent. Anyway. My dress is nearly finished, they're just doing the last bits of embroidery and beading. It's even better than I'd imagined it would be. And I was able to deliver the surprise for Sasha. Mortimer, love, where are you getting your suit? Yes, I'm checking up on you.

I got through it all without giving in (of course), and everything's set, and I'll even be able to go to Anne's without it being a major crisis. I'll just be going for one night, leaving Saturday morning and coming home Sunday night. I'm sure everyone will understand since we're getting married in just two days afterwards. A part of me wishes I could decline, but...politics will not stop on my whim, and I do need to ask Anne a number of things. I wonder if she knows anything about Alexander?

All the plans for the honeymoon are set. It'll be just long enough to be a proper vacation, and short enough to not get me in trouble at school, and it leaves time for the second reception for our Nexus friends when we return.

Still, I much prefer teaching Ingress to play hopscotch to dealing with some people. It was nice spending time with her and de Carabas.

I bought some toys. Two rather lovely swords. Evan's checked, and they're not cursed or anything, so it should be fine to use them.

Gil's decided to make lists. He's very organized. But then, scientists tend to be.

Oggie is, in his own special way, quite brilliant.

There's another Ed. I didn't get to talk to him much but he seems all right.

Mortimer? Sasha and I really need to talk to you when you have a minute. It isn't anything bad, we just...need to talk.

I wonder what the Count's been up to?

mortimer, carabas, ingress, ed, oggie, sasha, cats cradle, gil, cradle, court, marriage

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