Exploring (Or:A Day in the Life of a Hell Hound Puppy)

Dec 19, 2005 15:39

He was a good boy, really!

And good boys protect their homes.

And how can good boys protect their homes without exploring? They can't! So of course he has to go exploring. Ali had told him to be good, after all.

The house was really big. There were lots of stairs, and halls, and corners, and closets that needed patrolling. He couldn't quite get everywhere he wanted to go, though, because even as a puppy he was pretty big. But he did his best to get places, and to put things back the way they'd been before he moved them. If they were a little slobbery afterwards, well, that's just a bonus.

He found lots of neat things: things to eat, things to chew, things to chase...it was a good and productive day.

A little puppy can only explore so long though, and after lunch he decided to take a nap. So he flopped down on the bed next to maybe-pack Sel, snuggling up against her back for a nap.

For puppy, life was good.

puppy love

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