
Mar 30, 2006 10:25

My hobbit name is "Orangeblossom Proudneck of Tuckborough". That's a nice name. My elf name is "Celebriän Tinúviel". Very pretty.

I'm really glad I decided to stay in last night. It was quiet and nice and I think I've got Evan hooked on a new poet.

Poor Havelock's still upset about his girl. I think this is much harder for him than he's letting on...

Sketch is having boundary issues. Hopefully someone can convince him that all the alternates of his mom are not, in fact, his mom.

((Holy community pimping, Batman! I figured with the number of people on Ali's friends lists, there's got to be at least 5 other muns out there reading this. So: I have communities. Not just my RP ones at boston_by_nexus and nexus_uni, but some that are entirely not RP things at all. Shocking, I know. I have a graphics community, cosmosis_icons, and an icontest community that's just starting up at belovedicontest. I know there's some icon makers out here, so please join! The theme is love and romance, and I'm hoping it'll be a lot of fun. My last (for now) community, its_less_than_3 is for discussing romance and love. And, of course, there's my OOC journal at collectingpups. Please feel free to stop by one or all of the above!))

((ETA: going out to dinner tonight, so I won't really be around until 9ish eastern. I'm home, hurray! Dinner was a success.))

sketch, comm pimping, evan, home, havelock, icons, poetry, ooc

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