First, the good things:
I got some very good advice in the Nexus on what to put in a field kit. Details below.
Ed learned his lesson.
I got to talk to Maxim. He's coming to visit tomorrow. Hurrah!
-I had to break up with Clint. I'm sure his friend Steve will be very happy about this.
I had a fight with Evan. I never expected him to be so determined to be rude.
Johnny's sick. And shocked, shocked that I read books.
-I didn't see Duo so I couldn't check on him.
So: officially a good day, but it's like a cake with too much lemon.
Tomorrow will be better. This my is official notice to the universe. Tomorrow will be better or somebody's answering to me.
The ideas for a field kit I got are as follows:
-items necessary to perform magic
-"coppering gear"
cuffs, truncheon, short sword, breastplate, helmet, chainmail, badge, blackjack, brass knuckles, lockpicks, thin-soled boots
-map, small blade
-food, tinder?, Will to Live
-first aid kit, teddy bear, cigs, book
-art supplies
Why am I suddenly missing Alucard so much?
Talked with Grey about changing fate. I'll have to ask him for more details later...