Friday 5

May 21, 2010 02:50

1. How does true love feel to you?
What a silly question. It's like asking "So how does air feel? What's it like to be alive?" As if there were one answer--or one sort of love about which to speak. As if love were some static, unchanging mass within one's chest that could be taken out and examined scientifically. What utter nonsense. Love is as mercurial and fluid as anything. It's the calm before the storm--and it's the storm. It's warmth, it's fever, it's chills and shivers. And it's everything.

But do not mistake that for disloyalty, or for faithlessness. Love must have room and encouragement to change, or else it shall surely die. Love is not the pruned and punished topiary; it is the rambling rose, and gods help you if you try and remove it from its chosen home.

2. What makes you feel warm inside?
Good soup.

3. Have you ever been in true love?
I have been in love many, many times; I still am. But there's too many kinds of love to call any one sort "true" and the rest "false". One cannot love falsely.

4. What's your deepest wish?
Those who speak of what they know learn too late that prudent silence is wise.

5. What's the one thing making your inside cringe with longing?
I need this war to end. I need David back.

there's a "princess bride" joke here..., quite contrary, friday 5, love

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