Jubilee was, in Ali's opinion, badly hurt. The burns were worrying (and of a color and type with which she was not overly familiar), and she knew there was bound to be some bruising from all those metal things hitting her willy-nilly. And she didn't want Jubilee to start taking Ali's magic for granted. She hadn't forgotten how Jubes behaved last time.
No, this was a time to call Doctor Phlox. So while cradling Jubes, she sent the good Doctor a message asking for help and promising his favorite sort of payment (Chinese food). Granted, she'd have to go get the food, but she could do that while the Doctor was treating Jubilee.
And oh, what a grateful smile he gets from Ali when he arrives! "I did. Thank you for coming. This is Jubilation. I think you can see what the problem is."