Quizzes and Whatnot

Feb 04, 2006 22:07

Just to make sure no one's forgotten: Greed's club, The Best Deadly Sin, opens tonight.

I'm wearing this.

And now, quizzes.


What Does It Take To Seduce You? (Picture Results!)
brought to you by Quizilla

I'm not that easy...

The "Moulin Rouge" Kiss!

What Famous Movie Kiss Are You?
brought to you by Quizilla

Ooh, one of my favorite movies!

Blue Fairy from Pinocchio

Which Disney Fairy Are You?
brought to you by Quizilla

Interesting choice. No comments about my making people "real boys" please & thanks.

You have chosen a slimming and modern dress that

will show your figure for all its got and

will also give a little excitment to the day

because of how much you put on show. IF YOU

GOT IT FLUNT IT is your wedding day motto.

What is your future wedding gown??
brought to you by Quizilla

Yes, that's exactly what I want. Except not at all.

Gummy Bears

You may be smooshie and taste unnatural, but you're so darn cute.
What Kind of Candy Are You?

Well, I'm definitely smooshie...

Your Brain's Pattern

Your mind is a multi dimensional wonderland, with many layers.
You're the type that always has multiple streams of though going.
And you can keep these thoughts going at any time.
You're very likely to be engaged in deep thought - and deep conversation.
What Pattern Is Your Brain?

Gee, wonder why they say that?

You Are a Powdered Devil's Food Donut

A total sweetheart on the outside, you love to fool people with your innocent image.
On the inside you're a little darker, richer, and more complex.
You're a hedonist who demands more than one pleasure at a time.
Decadent and daring, you test the limits of human indulgence.
What Donut Are You?

Mmm. Chocolate.

Your Heart Is Orange

Love equals unbridled happiness for you. You enjoy the wild ride of falling in love.
And while the ride is fun for a while, you always get off once the thrill is gone.

Your flirting style: Hyper

Your lucky first date: Anything you need your passport for!

Your dream lover: Is both daring and well grounded

What you bring to relationships: Energy
What Color Heart Do You Have?

I'd damn well better have energy...I'd never keep up with everything otherwise.

work, what goes around...

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