Molls and Eggs

Apr 07, 2007 18:03

The only thing worse than a Dalek LOL is having it wear off part-way through an important event. They must have thought I was crazy. I just hope they thought it was a cute sort of crazy.

I'm a little nervous about finding out what this ring does. I really should know better than to pick up random shinies in the Nexus.

Most of today has been spent getting ready for tomorrow. The goslings decorated several dozen eggs, which took all afternoon, and did a very good job of it too. I think we might need to repaint one wall in the kitchen, it ended up, um...tie-dyed. Let's call it tie-dyed. But the eggs are lovely. I also made some tea eggs. Grammy and little Alex came over to help (and delivered all the candy, bless them). Jenna was too busy with the shop, and it seems the boys are too old for such childish delights. Their loss.

Tomorrow will be busy, but in a good way. I've decided that I'll have some candy and a hunt for it in the Nexus, for all the people who can't have such fun at home (or just want more candy). And it'll be good for the goslings to have someplace outside to run around after they get into their candy at home.

I feel a quite strange celebrating such a terribly Christian holiday, but it'll make the goslings happy to have the same fun as their friends, so I'm trying to convince myself that it's simply a coincidence that it's really starting to look like spring outside so it's a good time to celebrate the change in seasons. It isn't quite working yet, but I remain hopeful. And it'll serve them all right to have to contend with people who enjoy the day without guilt-filled sermons and those icky little bread things before breakfast.

Alured and I did take a few strolls around the Nexus, which always makes him happy. He's going to have that whole place wrapped around one of his little fingers by the time he's a year, I just know it. We saw Maxim there, and Ephram.

nexus lol, easter, maxim, grammy, alured, ephram, goslings

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