A bit more to go on

Dec 07, 2006 08:42


66% Extroversion, 66% Intuition, 72% Emotiveness, 76% Perceptiveness

Funloving, talkative, flamboyant, social... you are most like Aphrodite. You love parties, people, fashion, and sex. You're impulsive, inconcise, and you find crowds and parties to be energizing. You're optimistic, upbeat, and frequently irrational. You hate structure and routine, and you don't like know-it-alls. You're not really a "big picture" person, however, and might not always assess the consequences of your actions before taking them. You do have a very strong hedonistic streak, though, and this gives you a magnetic personality. You dislike people who think too much.

Like Dionysus, you classify your life as a search for meaning and, when things go wrong, you can become manipulative. To others, you can often seem directionless and impulsive, but you make sure that everything that you do is in line with your strong, internally motivated set of moral guidelines. Your funloving streak, although your greatest asset, can sometimes prevent you from realizing goals or staying on task. As accepting as you are of other people, you have a great need to be accepted yourself, and this can sometimes lead to an overdemonstration of affection and insincerity on your part.

Famous People like you: Elvis, Eva Gabor, Paris Hilton, Elizabeth Taylor

Stay away from: Atlas, Prometheus, The Oracle, Daedalus, and Hermes.

Seek out: Pan, Dionysus, Apollo

My test tracked 4 variables How you compared to other people your age and gender:

You scored higher than 99% on Extroversion

You scored higher than 99% on Intuition

You scored higher than 99% on Emotiveness

You scored higher than 99% on Perceptiveness

Link: The Greek Mythology Personality Test written by Aleph_Nine on OkCupid Free Online Dating, home of the The Dating Persona Test

Sorry my note last night was, well, abrupt. I was really tired, and there was celebrating to be done. We all know how important a proper celebration is after a success. So here's a bit more info on what happened, while most of the crew is sleeping off all the rum they drank last night.

The Jolly Roger, as some of you have surmised, is free of Neverland now. We're all in Betäuben now, in one piece and everything. The trip was surprisingly uneventful. Peter didn't even seem to notice...I wonder how long it will be until he does? Well, it doesn't matter now.

I'm exhausted, so time for more sleeping now. I'll probably be around later, after I've had a nap, since there's so much that needs doing here on the ship with which I am no help (yet). Repairs to make, supplies to buy, hungover crew to herd...well, I could help with that last, but I don't really want to; besides, there's wedding things to finish. I just hope Jas doesn't push himself too hard.

As glad as I am that Jas is free, I can't help but feel I should apologize to whoever's going to be forced to take his place.

Betäuben, hook

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