Alphabet Soup and other news

Nov 25, 2006 07:53

Only two letters, this time. I'm very disappointed more people didn't give me things to do. Shame on you.

From Daniel: "F"

Filial: Something I'm still missing.

Forte: The stronger point, which most people use with force.

Foible: The weaker point, which isn't always so minor.

Folio: Shakespeare.

Farthing: An annoying little piece of metal.

Florin: Two shillings, or a guilder, depending where you are.

Flute: A high-pitched instrument, or a champagne glass. Either way, it's not something that should be in my hands too often.

Fo: Buddha, in Chinese. I'm not sure why I know that...

Fa: A long long way to go...(oh come on, you must have expected that.)

Friar: Tuck.

From Sasha: "C"

Candy: A quick way to cheer someone up.

Comfort: Something we instinctively seek, but have to learn to offer.

Confidence: Hard won and easily lost and all too often unknown; or worse, known for false reasons.

Color: Something the world needs more of.

Celtic: Me, distantly.

Chapter: A portion, a branch, or a division; too frequently accompanied by verse.

Complement: Something of which we all need more.

Cousins: Distant family, and frequently furry.

Couture: Frequently uncomfortable, and not often attractive.

Chinese: A language I don't remember learning.

I'll post again if I am given more to do.

In other news, I think we might need to get a serious invoking going for Fitz, he misses his Doctor dreadfully.

The Daleks are being strange.

No word from Jas yet.

fitz, daleks, hook, what goes around...

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