OOC: Very stolen from Isamu

Aug 03, 2006 19:33

365 Character Questions.

August 16th: What is the worst tragedy your character has ever personally witnessed?
That would be the death by being eaten of one of her friends. Shortly after she became Countess, she led an assault against a nightmare that had been menacing her lands. The group was victorious, but she's never forgiven herself for letting him die.

It wasn't the first death she'd ever seen, but it was the first for which she feels directly responsible. (She never blames herself for the deaths of people she kills, because in her mind, it's their own fault for making her do it.)

August 10th: Who's the craziest person your character has ever known, and what was their relationship like?
Sheogorath, without a doubt. He is a god of madness, after all.

Their relationship is like lemons and cream, and smells of grass and smoke. When they get it right, it's beautiful. But if they ever fall out of step with each other...I must quote Zim's schoolteacher, Mrs. Bitters, here: "Doom doom doom doom doom doom doom doom. Go home now."

August 3rd: Is your character a follower, a rebel or a leader?
She's the leader of the rebellion. Although she is the rightful ruler of her land, she's a rebel at heart, and skirts around as many traditions as she can to make things that are new and more suited for the modern world. There are a few things she clings to, being Seelie after all, the foremost being that Love Conquers All. However, she's perfectly happy to diminish the role of most traditions, or abolish them entirely, if it makes people happier.

Some see her dalliances with her Unseelie nature as a sign of weakness, but it is in many ways her greatest strength. She's slowly adjusting to the Banality of the world, giving herself little doses to build up a tolerance; she got the idea from reading about people who trained themselves to resist deadly doses of poison. And in accepting the many myriad aspects of herself and starting to knit them together into one complete person, she's turning towards the path of true balance that might someday make her truly immortal once again.

August 9th: If your character had nearly unlimited wealth, what would [she] spend it on?
Mostly other people. First, she'd set a good chunk away for all her children, and some for the family if there's ever a need for it. Mortimer would get enough to open his restaurant and keep it running for a few years. Sasha would get enough to buy herself a plane or yacht or something. Then she'd buy all her friends lots of presents, then she'd donate most of it to various artists and museums and schools in Boston. She'd buy herself a car, and some nice jewelry. And the rest would be given out to whoever needs it.

bio, ooc

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